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Ted's Woodworking Community

Destination for all things woodworking! Whether you are an experienced woodworker or a beginner looking to embark on a creative journey.

Wanted to build something, because you cannot find it "retail"?

Thought of making something custom for a specific need but don't know where to start?

Wanted to buy nice furniture but can't afford high quality pieces?

Thought of upcycling wood you found but afraid of messing it up?

Struggle to find detailed plans to build your dream project?

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"Woodworking shouldn't be that difficult!"

Now if you want to create the projects you've dreamed of - quickly and easily...

Instead of spending days, months or years looking for something or god forbid, spending a fortune hiring someone to do it for you...

And you crave the satisfaction of creating something beautiful with your own hands...

Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read...

Whether you're a passionate woodworker or someone eager to explore the world of woodworking, is your guide to transforming raw materials into timeless creations. Join us on this exciting journey as we celebrate the art, craftsmanship, and boundless possibilities of woodworking. Get ready to unleash your creativity and craft wonders with wood!

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